For the effective treatment of most single cell parasites including White Spot, Costia, Chilodonella, Oodinium, persistent Fungus caused by Saprolengia and Protozoan Parasites.
Kusuri 30% Formalin and Malachite Premix is a ready to use full strength formulation, popular as a pond-wide anti-parasite treatment. It is particularly good for White Spot, Skin Flukes, Chilodonella, Oodinium and most Protozoan Parasites.
Do not use below 12.5°C (54.5°F).
Please ensure that you read, understand and follow all Health and Safety guidelines on the bottle.
250ml treats 11,365 litres (2,500 gallons)
500ml treats 22,730 litres (5,000 gallons)
1 litre treats 45,460 litres (10,000 gallons)